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Hot Off the Press: New Historical Romances for Your Week! 🌶️

Happy September!

3rd September 2024

After Bow Street Runner Hugh Fletcher’s temper gets him into trouble with the magistrate, he accepts a job searching for a marquess’s by-blows so that he can stay close to the beautiful woman who has stolen his heart.

If only Charlotte Beckett could find the confidence to stand up to her evil stepmother and confront her preoccupied father. As if answering her prayers, an injured stranger shows up at her family’s masquerade ball, helping her discover her internal strength.

Despite the dark secrets surrounding them, Hugh will do everything in his power to fight for Charlotte and her kisses.

3rd September 2024

She lives through her books…

Ill as a child, Lady Juliette Crawford is obliged to live a sheltered life, forbidden from overexerting herself. Instead of riding and dancing, she must take her excitement from parchment and ink. When a pair of strong hands rescue her from certain death beneath the wheels of a cart, however, she discovers a new adventure much grander and more thrilling than any found on a page.

People judge him by his cover…

Born in the Scottish Highlands, Ian McCullom clawed his way out of poverty to become one of the preeminent physicians in London. But taming his brogue, dressing in fine clothes, and making the proper connections can only take him so far; he’ll always be viewed as just this side of feral, an outsider to be ogled, a prize to be won by the danger-seeking ladies of the
ton. None of it appealed to him, less so after losing the woman he loved to another, so he throws himself into his work…until he encounters the enchanting eyes of one very off-limits lady.

Together, they write a love story for the ages.

While Juliette hires him as her tutor under the guise of learning Gaelic, she has decidedly less pure intentions and is determined to taste the passion and desire burning behind Ian’s eyes. Ian is just as determined to resist her. Although being with Juliette might very well destroy him, it could also fulfill his every dream and desire…if he dares to rewrite his future.


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